Friday, June 5, 2020

The Effect Of Smoking For Patients Having Dental Implants - 1375 Words

The Effect Of Smoking For Patients Having Dental Implants (Essay Sample) Content: Smoking and Dental Implant FailureNameInstitution Smoking and Dental Implant Failure In contemporary medicine especially the dentistry, various remarkable developments that have been introduced. It is worth noting that missing teeth are replaceable. The developments are observable in the production of dental implants that can help replace a single tooth as well as well as a whole jaw. Despite these developments being a breakthrough for patients with dental problems, it is evident that there is a problem that is yet to be solved. It is evident that smoking is one of the most prevalent behaviors that many people have adopted in society. It is important to note that studies on the effects of smoking on the dental implants in patients that do have the smoking habit have revealed that smoking negatively affects any therapeutic procedure conducted on the oral cavity. It means that the dental implants help in the replacement of missing teeth. In this paper, there is a discu ssion of an insight into the literature that proves that smoking interferes with the process of prognosis performed when administering dental implants on patients. Primarily, the dental implants are used as a way of treating patients with dental problems have failed in cases where these patients are habitual smokers. Smoking influences the health of individuals. Therefore, the effect that it has on the dental treatment through the use of implants are significant. The dental implants are made of titanium, and dental implants literature has revealed that this element is biocompatible. For this reason, it is used in the production of dental implants fitted into the human jaw allowing the jaws to heal and integrate with the bones of the jaw. Literature Review There are several studies on dental implant failure caused by the habit of smoking in patients under treatment. Many studies have evidently shown through meta-analysis as well as systematic review that smoking habit is dangerous f or patients. Strietzel et al., (2007) presents an analysis of studies that are meant to prove the risks that smokers put themselves into while they are under dental implant programs. The fact is that the number of smokers worldwide is high; and estimated at 1.3 billion. Additionally, an approximated 4.9 million death cases result from s tobacco smoking-related ailments annually. The conclusions drawn in this meta-analysis conducted by Strietzel et al., (2007) are an indication that wounds do not heal fast and sometimes healing complications are evident in patients that are used to smoking tobacco. The risk of peri-implant bone loss for such kind of patients is high in addition to a total failure in implants. Tobacco smoking patients drive themselves into long term chronic effects of periodontitis as a result of the impairment of the vasculature experienced in the periodontal tissues. Strietzel et al., (2007) manages to bring to attention the connotation amongst the risks of dental implant failure and tobacco smoking patients under treatment. It is arguable that patients and their smoking habits for those under dental replacement cause more problems to their jaws when they keep on smoking. From many of the studies, Strietzel et al., (2007) notes that the data collected evidently presents a failure or impaired healing in tobacco smoking patients that had undergone titanium implantation either through machin...

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